Welcome to Franklin Township: A Clean Agricultural Community

Municipal Building: 2093 Rt. 57, Broadway, NJ 08808
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9am – 4pm

As mayor of Franklin Township, I’d like to welcome you to our website. We update this site with current events, agenda proceedings and other pertinent information.

We’ve included a brief description of Franklin Township and refer you to our Municipal Directory, which lists committeepersons and other personnel such as construction officials, animal control officers, tax officers, the Land Use Board, Open Space and Recreation Commission, welfare director, etc. Printed copies of our Municipal Directory are available at the municipal building.

Please feel free to call or e-mail your committeepersons or myself at anytime. We welcome your questions and comments at [email protected].

– David Guth, Mayor

New Jersey’s Drought Status has been elevated to “WARNING”
Clean Up for Franklin Township, Warren County, NJ Residents ONLY

At the Warren County District Landfill
Date to TBD

  • Vouchers are being issued and can be picked up at the municipal building Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm.
  • Please bring Proof of Residency (driver’s license or most current tax bill).
Always Be Notified – RAVE Alert System

Seconds matter in an emergency. Protect your loved ones by signing up for Warren County’s RAVE Alert System to receive important community and weather alerts.

Learn more about RAVE Alert System

Franklin Township Ordinances

The Code of the Township of Franklin (ordinances) is now available on the Internet. You can view them by visiting www.generalcode.com or by clicking here.