Information for Newcomers
Welcome new residents, here’s a list of utilities you may need:
Jersey Central Power & Light customer service … 1-800-662-3115
To report problems related to electric service … 1-888-LIGHTSS
Elizabethtown Gas Co. NUI … 1-800-242-5830
The Call Center is opened Mon-Fri, 7am to 8pm.
(Natural gas is not available throughout the Township)
New Jersey American Water Co. … 1-800-652-6987
(Public water is not available in most of the Township)
Sanico Refuse removal … 908-475-3300
G & J. Smith Sanitation … 908-454-4917
(These contractors are subject to different areas of the Township.
Both have co-mingled curbside recycling included in the rate.)
Comcast Cable Company … 1-800-xfinity (934-6489) or
Telephone Service (Your Choice)
Voter Registration … 908-689-3994 x 15 (For direct mailing)
(Or visit the Franklin Township Municipal Building, 9:00-4:00)
New Jersey American Water website:
Proper Care of Your Septic
Do not use large amounts of water all at once (space out your laundry to one load a day and wait between series of long showers). Hydraulic overloading is dangerous because it can stir sediments from your tank and clog your disposal field
Do not pour cooking oil, fats or grease down your sink. This is a sure way to cause a build up of congealed fat and scum in your tank, as well as in your home’s plumbing.
Do not flush disposable diapers, sanitary napkins or kitty litter down your toilet bowl. These items are inert (not biodegradable) and will build up in your tank causing a premature failure of your system.
Do not add a garbage disposal to your existing septic system – the additional loading may clog your disposal field immediately or at best prematurely fill your tank with additional solids causing the need for frequent plumbing.
Do not pour paints, antifreeze, pesticides or photo chemicals down your home’s drains besides killing the bacteria which break down the solids in your tank, these chemicals are hazardous and will contaminate groundwater, even in very low concentrations. (BEWARE: many products are sold which claim to help your septic system – check all ingredients before use to avoid contaminating your own or neighbor’s well.) Strong chemicals such as halogenated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons and phenol derivatives cannot be put into your septic system.
Do not drive, pave or plant trees over your septic system. The top of your system should have a grass cover which will allow an exchange of gases between your disposal field and the air.
Do not wait for your disposal field to become plugged with solids before pumping out your septic tank. Once the disposal field has failed, it’s too late. Pumping out your tank at least every 3 years is an inexpensive insurance against having to perform major repairs.
Be a Good Neighbor – Be Bear Aware
New Jersey is home to all kinds of beautiful wildlife – including black bears.
Black bears are getting a lot of attention these days, for the wrong reasons. They’re venturing too close to homes and into backyards, looking for food. Bears that look for food near your home or in your yard likely have learned bad habits from people who feed them intentionally, or unintentionally by carelessly leaving out food or garbage.
People who feed bears think they’re helping them. But it only invites trouble. It can make them a nuisance or even aggressive. When that happens, the bears must be destroyed to protect your family and your neighbors. What’s more, it’s illegal to feed bears in New Jersey. Anyone who feeds bears could face a penalty of up to $1,000 for each offense.
Taking steps to avoid attracting bears with food or garbage is the best way to prevent them from becoming a nuisance near your home.
Fall Activity for Bears Begins; Residents in “Bear Country” Urged to Secure Trash and Other Residential Food Sources.