Warren County Health Alert Network

Attention all Warren County Residents! Let Your Voice Be Heard!

The Warren County Health Department is conducting a Community Health Survey.

This is an opportunity for you to say what you think about the health and wellness services available in our county. The information collected in this survey is completely anonymous and will allow the county’s community organizations to better understand the needs in our community. What we hear from you will be used to understand and improve health for everyone in Warren County. Please tell us about the issues you feel are most important in our community.

You must be 18 years old or older and live in Warren County to complete this survey. Your participation is voluntary and answers are not linked to you in any way. The results will be shared with the public within the next year.

The survey is available in English and Spanish and can be completed online. Please see the links below:

Heat Safety Awareness Week

May 15th-19th: Prevent Heat-Related Illness, Protect Yourself and Others

Heat is the leading weather-related killer in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities each year. The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness about the risk of extreme heat, and to provide audiences with information about preparedness and actions to take to prevent heat-related illnesses and death.

Please circulate the newly released NJDOH fact sheet, available in English and Spanish, regarding the prevention of heat-related illness. The attached fact sheets can be found in [English] and [Spanish].