Land Use Board

Kelley D. Smith, Secretary
908-689-3994 x13
Email: [email protected]

Forms and Checklists:

Land Use Board forms and checklists are now available online in PDF format.

Land Use Board Checklists

Checklist A: Minor Subdivision Checklist

Checklist B: Sketch Plat for Major Subdivisions Checklist

Checklist C: Preliminary Major Subdivisioon Checklist

Checklist D: Final Major Subdivision Checklist

Checklist F: Site Plan Checklist

Checklist F-1: Final Site Plan Checklist

Checklist G: Minor Site Plan

Checklist H: Geologic Investigation

Land Use Board Meeting Notice:

  • March 6, 2025 – Land Use Board Meeting
    • Meeting is cancelled

Land Use Board Schedules:


Land Use Board Minutes:

From the desk of Kelley D. Smith, Board Secretary:

The Land Use Board meets on the 1st Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. The meetings are held in the Municipal Building.

The Land Use Board is a combined board handling the business of both the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Board has nine (9) regular members and four (4) alternate members who may vote on an application in the absence of regular members.

At the monthly meetings the order of events will be guided by an agenda, which will be available to you at the meeting. Some cases on an agenda may not be completed during a meeting. If the case that you are interested in is not reached or completed, we will announce a continuation date. Notices in writing will not be repeated.