Department of Public Works
Joe Biel, Foreman
Christmas Tree Pickup
Starting the 3rd week of January
Curbside Brush Pick Up
1st Monday in April and 3rd Monday in October. NO WHOLE TREES ACCEPTED! NO limbs larger than 4” diameter, cut end facing road.
Branches Drop Off
Branches can be dropped off at the Municipal Garage during the following times:
Mon-Fri 7am-2pm
Please do not drop off at other times – gate will be LOCKED!
NO leaves and grass accepted!
NO whole trees will be accepted!
No Dumping!
Please, NO DUMPING at the Franklin Township Municipal garage. This is not a dump and violators will be prosecuted. If you observe anyone attempting to dump please notify the municipal building and try to obtain a license number. The problem is so severe that the township is contemplating video surveillance of the scene. Refuse is accepted by the Warren County Landfill. For more information call 908- 453-2174.